Divorces generally take a lot longer than anyone anticipates and can be very draining. Organization is key and the best outcomes tend to occur when both parties have realistic expectations.


Moving forward

One person will find another place to live and you can begin the divorce process and negotiations. Or you may decide to be separated indefinitely without divorcing. In either case your life has changed dramatically and it will be more expensive to maintain two homes. Emotional and financial adjustments will have to be made.

Stage 2 checklist

  • Various settlement options will be proposed
  • A final agreement will be signed
  • Assets will be split
  • New accounts will need to be set up
  • Change the deed on the house
  • Re-title the cars
  • You may need a Qualified Domestic Relations Order to roll over a 401k

Be Prepared

It is important to have a plan and financial support so that bills are paid in a timely manner.

Every divorce is different, but there are basic steps you can take at each stage to ensure success.