Taking the first steps towards divorce can be intimidating. The legal system is overwhelming and examining your finances can be stressful. Having a professional to walk you through the financial options can make it clearer and less frightening. We’ll educate and support you to ensure you make the best decisions for your financial future.

Expert advice at every stage

Stage One-Thinking About It

One or both of you may be thinking about a separation but not sure how or if you want to proceed. This is a good time to take a step back and think about your finances, assets, debt, cash flow and employability.

Stage Two-In The Thick Of It

This is where a formal separation begins. It’s a big step and you should always consult an attorney in advance of the separation in order to be informed of your rights and responsibilities.

Stage Three-Post Divorce

The legal work has been completed, the finances have been separated, and you are ready to really move on with your independent life. 

Why do I need a financial planner for my divorce?

Decipher the jargon

Taxes and financial documents can feel like a foreign language. We can help look at the financial pieces, decipher the jargon, and clarify how it applies to you. Attorneys are great at navigating the legal piece but financial opportunities can be missed without the benefit of a financial advisor being included in the mix.

Missed opportunities

Too often we see a client or their attorney offering to trade away an asset that may have hidden value without realizing the implications. You don’t want to minimize the importance of a seemingly small financial detail now that can make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars later.

Every divorce is different, but there are basic steps you can take at each stage to ensure success.

What is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?

Extensive training

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst has extensive training in the divorce process. Often, they are also Certified Financial Planners and many have an investment and tax background as well. They provide a thorough knowledge and understanding of complicated financial scenarios helping clients make educated decisions throughout each stage of divorce.

Partnering with your attorney

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst works with you and your attorney to look at various financial options you are considering during the divorce process. This may include illustrations of property distributions, evaluation of taxes, retirement plans, the adequacy of support and many more financial issues that will impact your future.

Meet The Team

Katie Markowski
Katie Markowski M.Ed., CDFA
Michele Traficante
Michele Traficante
Angela Ricciuti
Angela Ricciuti